
Volunteer, it’s in our name!

VOA Northern New England welcomes corporate groups who are interested in performing a “Day of Caring” to contact us. As volunteers, you positively impact the lives of those living in Maine and New Hampshire every year.

Engaging your team in volunteering enhances your company’s visibility, reputation, and business results:
• 60% of hiring managers see the act of volunteerism as a valuable asset when making recruitment decisions. 
• 70% of corporate volunteers believe volunteerism boosts morale more than company mixers.
• 92% of human resources executives agree that contributing to a nonprofit can improve an employee’s leadership skills.  (Statistics from Volunteer Hub)

Thank you for donating your time, your talents, and your skills to bettering the lives of the most vulnerable living in our communities. If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities please email info@voanne.org or call (207) 373-1140.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

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