Since 1992, VOA has been “The Place to Turn” for Maine and New Hampshire’s most vulnerable individuals. As part of a national organization started in 1896, VOA continues to, in the words of our founders, “go wherever we are needed, and do whatever comes to hand.”
At Volunteers of America Northern New England we serve the people of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont with the promise to reach out and uplift the human condition and provide opportunity for individual and community involvement.
VOA supports and empowers Northern New England’s most vulnerable groups, including youth, older adults, men and women returning from the criminal justice system, homeless individuals and families, people with disabilities, veterans and those recovering from addictions. VOA is proud to be the largest provider of affordable housing in the country.
Learn more about us
VOA Northern New England Mission Statement:
Volunteers of America is a movement organized to reach and uplift all people and bring them to the knowledge and active service of God.
Volunteers of America, illustrating the presence of God through all that we do, serves people and communities in need and creates opportunities for people to experience the joy of serving others. Volunteers of America measures its success in positive changes in the lives of individuals and communities we serve.
Who We Are:
With more than 30 programs in Northern New England, we strive to end homelessness, restore hope and build communities for children and young adults, veterans, older adults, people living with mental illness, and those involved in the criminal justice system.
Our Name:
When Volunteers of America was founded in 1896, “volunteer” referred to anyone who served others as a vocation through a commitment to a mission. Today, we are still staffed by mission-driven professionals working to empower individuals and build thriving communities.
Our Vision
I am deeply grateful for the tremendous amount of work our Volunteers of America Northern New England team has completed to present our two-year strategic plan: OUR VISION For Helping Those In Need! As a mission-driven, faith based nonprofit organization, we have always relied on our faith and our belief in human potential to guide our progress. This plan represents a thoughtful and exciting step forward for Volunteers of America Northern New England to build housing opportunities and offer social supports to fill local community needs across Northern New England.
The point of a strategic planning process is not to devise a plan. Any organization can complete a project or business plan. A mission-driven, social service organization engages in strategic planning to create dialogue, consensus, and ownership to create positive social change! The end of a strategic planning process is not to simply publish a report but to pull together all parts of an organization to improve the fabric of society. Volunteers of America has long had a mission to reach and uplift all people, to ameliorate poverty, and address social inequalities. The dedication and spirit of our staff and Board is evident in the goals we have set for ourselves over the next two years.